Your desire for Baptism is part of the journey you make with your child in the great unfolding of life. Our Catholic Community at Henley Beach is keenly aware of the joys and struggles parents face in today’s world, and wishes to offer you support and encouragement.
Baptisms are normally held in our parish on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of each Month at an 11am service.
Baptisms are to be celebrated as part of the parish community, so you may be sharing this time with up to four families at the same time.
The ceremony will usually take no longer than 60 minutes if the session is fully booked.
EXPECTATIONS (updated 22nd Jun 2022)
You are expected to attend a Preparation Evening with the other families being Baptised in the same month, and this is usually held on the last Thursday of the month prior to your child’s baptism month.
(As an example: if your child is being baptised in September, then the Preparation Evening that you will need to attend will be on the last Thursday in August)
If you wish to book a Baptism and are Catholic, living in our Parish area, we ask you to please ring the office on 83568888 to confirm a date, then please download the Baptism Booking Form, fill it in and email it to the Parish at welcome@henleybeachparish.com.au. This will help in gathering all the required information and get it started. We recommend that you book well in advance, as dates book out quickly.
If your child has reached the age where they can continue their journey of receiving the gifts and graces of the Sacraments. As the first teachers of your child in the faith, we ask you to consider your child's readiness for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Reconciliation is an opportunity to introduce your child to the wonder of forgiveness and setting things right with God and others. It is another step into our Church family.
For Children in Year 3 2022
Parent Enrolment and Information Evening:
Wednesday 4th May @7:00pm in the Church (children need not attend)
The Sacrament will be administered on :
Monday 20th June @6:00pm
Tuesday 21st June @6:00pm
Thursday 23rd June @6:00pm
You can make a booking when you enrol your child on 4th May. Please use the Enrolment Form at the end of the Letter to Parents.
Please Note:
As well as the children at Star of the Sea School, if you are a parent of a child at one of the Government Schools listed below, could you please let other Catholic parents know of these dates. (We want to make sure they do not miss out. We will advertise the dates through the School Newsletters as well)
Government Primary Schools: West Beach, Henley Beach, Fulham North, Fulham Gardens and Grange.
You can contact us at welcome@henleybeachparish.com.au

If your child has now reached the age when they are able to continue their faith journey and receive the sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion. As the first teachers of your child’s faith we ask you to consider your child’s readiness to receive these Sacraments.
For Children in Year 4 Term 3 2022
Parent Enrolment and Information Evening:
Monday 01st August @7:00pm in the Church
Ceremonies will be held on:
Saturday 10th September 06:00pm
Sunday 11th September 11:00am, 03:30pm & 05:30pm
You can make a booking when you attend the Parent Enrolment and Information Evening on Mon 01st August at 07:00pm in the Church. Please use the Enrolment Form at the end of the Letter to Parents dated 06th July 2022.
Please Note:
As well as the children at Star of the Sea School, if you are a parent of a child at one of the Government Schools listed below, could you please let other Catholic parents know of these dates. (We want to make sure they do not miss out. We will advertise the dates through the School Newsletters as well)
Government Primary Schools: West Beach, Henley Beach, Fulham North, Fulham Gardens and Grange.
You can contact us at welcome@henleybeachparish.com.au
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a community based process in which conversion can occur of Non-Catholics.
This process climaxes at the Easter Vigil Mass with the Reception of these people into our Community.
A commitment of approx 9 months is required for this process, beginning in June/July each year.
Please phone the parish office for more information if interested.
Deciding to marry at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church?
Our strong wish for you is to have a long and happy life together, knowing that you have the blessing of God and the support of the Christian community.
This brief information will help you understand all that is involved in marrying in the Catholic Church.

It is normal to give at least nine months notice of your intention to marry to the Priest (Celebrant) and the Church.
The Henley Beach Church is available for weddings on Saturdays and Sundays & must be booked around our Mass times. For instance weddings can be no earlier than 1pm and no later than 4pm on Saturdays or 3.30pm on Sundays.
Bookings for the use of our Church here at Henley Beach can be made through the Parish Office during office hours 9.30am—4pm Monday to Friday by phoning 8356 8888.
Bookings for St Michael’s College Chapel are through the College Secretary by phoning 8356 5966.
Our Priests at Henley are always happy to do weddings in the Parish or at St Michael’s College Chapel. We are available for either Saturdays or Sundays according to our other commitments.
We will go to other Churches or Chapels outside the Parish, for parishioners, if there are good reasons for doing so.
You may also invite your own priest to do your wedding in our Church, but it is your responsibility to ensure all bookings are made and confirmed.
To safeguard the religious character of wedding services all weddings are normally conducted in Churches or Chapel. You would need a good reason, and a personal letter to our Archbishop, if you were thinking of marrying in a garden, on the beach, or a non-religious building. The Catholic Church strongly encourages a Church wedding.
This is required for people who are 18 years or under.
The two witnesses must be 18 years old at least.
The Priest
The Priest never charges for weddings, baptisms or funerals. However, it is customary to offer a financial gift; this is one way that you support the Priests, who rely entirely on the gifts of the Catholic faithful.
As a guide for the Priest, we would suggest $300 for Saturdays, $350 on Sundays and $400 if the wedding is to take place outside our Parish. This is usually given at the last appointment with your priest.
The Church
There is a Church booking fee of $330 incl GST which is payable at the time of booking the Church and is non refundable. A receipt is issued on payment and this confirms your booking.
A cleaning fee of $110(inc GST) will be charged if the church is left in an unacceptable state.
This is your responsibility. We do have an organ or CD player available if required which is linked to the church sound system. We encourage any musicians or singers to prearrange a rehearsal/practice within the church, especially if requiring to use any electronic equipment.
After you have made your booking you will need to make your first appointment with your priest. This needs to be no earlier than nine months before the wedding. There is a variety of paperwork to be completed and important items to discuss. You will be required to produce your birth certificate and an updated Baptism Certificate at this meeting. At this initial appointment your priest will advise you how many times further you will need to meet with him before the wedding. As it comes closer to the wedding you will discuss the variety of readings, prayers and blessings. Some couples like to compose their own Wedding Booklet; but we also have some examples for you to look through.
Flowers are the responsibility of each wedding party.
Confetti, Rice and Petals are not allowed to be used within the Church grounds.
A cleaning charge of $110 (inc GST) may be incurred if this happens. Please speak to the office staff should you have any queries.
Generally, a rehearsal is held during the week prior to the wedding. The rehearsal lasts approximately half an hour.
We also sign the Declaration Form then, and check on any last minute arrangements.
Most importantly, congratulations and enjoy your special day.
Healing Masses are held once a month – these include the Sacrament of Annointing of the Sick.
In case of an emergency, please contact the Parish Office – staff will liaise with the Parish Priest.