The MSC Mission in Action group with fantastic support from the Parishioners were at it... again.... !
Special thanks to St Michael's College Year 7 students who collected items in the College’s Charity week and to items collected by Star of the Sea Students too!
Their aim: To create lots of bags of love for those not as fortunate as we are. Over 10 weeks to collect for each bag
Lots and lots of items were collected and stored each week! (They took over the Parish manager’s office!)
And then it was packing day! The tables were stacked with donated items. Our wonderful helpers, came to pack the bags!
A total of 200 bags were created!!!!!!
We then packed the cars for deliveries to fantastic outreach centres including:
Magdalene Centre in Adelaide
Free79 [Anglicare outreach] at Blair Athol
Drug Awareness Rehab & Management at Warradale.
Henley Vinnies
All gratefully received with many thanks!