Sunday 2 May 2021, 11am in the Church.
The Parish Forum Gathering held on 2 May was an opportunity for the parish community to come together and briefly review all the ways God uses our Church and parish community to reach others.
The Gathering was facilitated by Sandii Ritter, and presentations were given by Fr Paul Cashen, Linda Ciampa, Andrew McCulloch and Joseph Abdilla. The presentations provided a snapshot of our current parish status……our parish structures... our community... our mission. A look-forward to some ways of continuing to rebuild and renew hearts was also presented.
During the Gathering we launched the beginning of the Renewal of our Parish Planned Giving Program for the next 3 years- 2021 to 2024.
Several of those who attended made some very valuable insights and suggestions that the Parish Pastoral Council will follow up.
The Parish Pastoral Council and Parish Finance Council are very interested in receiving further feedback, questions and suggestions on any aspect of the information that was provided.
A recording of the forum can be found by clicking the adjacent link.
Please make a point to speak to one of the PPC or PFC members.